Gas is no longer king. Gas mowers, that is.  

According Google search trends, battery mower searches surpassed gas mowers in 2022. The electric mower revolution was a long-time coming.  


4 Reasons to Change to Electric Lawnmowers 

  1. We’ve become so accustomed to the annoyance of noisy two-stroke gas-powered lawn mowers running through suburbia that we have ignored another obvious: the mix of oil and gas is terrible for the planet. According to the EPA, gas mowers can put as much pollution in the air as cars driven for 100 miles. That’s right: 100 miles worth of fumes. 
  2. No one likes going to the gas station when they are driving. They even like it less when in the middle of a 90-degree Saturday, trying to clip the lawn. With Worx Power Share, consumers can power up any tool on its platform with a 20Volt battery. That means, there is no need to own 3 different voltage types. 
  3. Electric mowers are lightweight. So much so, you can hang a mower in your garage. The majority of Worx lawn mowers weigh between 30 and 40 pounds, with no worrying about gas or oil leaking.  
  4. Less noise is appreciated. Without apologies to our memories of thunderous gas mowers, electric lawnmowers are far more palatable for our ears. According to the CDC, gas mowers roar at about 95 decibels. Battery-powered mowers usually top out at about 75 decibels.  


Why Worx 

The advancements in lithium battery technology have forever changed the outdoor power equipment landscape and Worx has been at the forefront.

Just recently, Worx received a 2024 Popular Mechanics Editors’ Choice award for best entry-level battery mower. 

Worx lawn mowers and all other Worx electric lawn & garden tools work off the Power Share battery platform.
These batteries can be used in over 100 different Worx products, making it easy to get all your gardening needs done without multiple battery platforms.  Take a look!



Find out more about Worx electric mowers and other battery equipment at
We make taking care of your lawn and garden easy!