4 Ways to Clean Stained Grout

A tiled floor or backsplash can offer a polished look for rooms like bathrooms and kitchens. Tile is not only durable, but it is usually very easy to clean as well. However, one thing that can mar the appearance of tile is stained grout. Unlike most tiles, grout is porous which means it can stain easily.

To keep these surfaces looking good, homeowners need to learn how to keep grout clean and how to clean stained grout. A grout cleaning DIY project is something that can be done without any special skills. In this post, we are going to look at some tips for how to keep grout white. 

Read on to learn how to use warm water, baking soda, and vinegar to clean stained grout, as well as how to clean outdoor grout. If all else fails, you can also regrout your tiles without too much stress.

How to Keep Grout Clean? Start With Warm Water

When you are working on projects like how to clean bathroom grout, you want to start with the mildest cleaning option. Things like bleach and commercial cleansers can work well for removing a stubborn black grout stain, but they can wear away at the grout if they are overused. For that reason, using warm water and a stiff-bristled brush should always be your first resort when you need to clean stained grout.

Try a Vinegar Solution for DIY Grout Cleaning

If warm water and a good brush don’t do the trick, move on to using a solution of half vinegar and half water. Put the solution in a spray bottle and spray that area that needs to be clean. Let this grout cleaning DIY solution sit on the surface for about five to ten minutes and then go back to scrub with your brush. This is one of those simple DIY bathroom ideas that can go a long way toward keeping the area looking good.

Use Baking Soda and Vinegar

If you feel like you need to increase the cleaning power a little, you can try using baking soda and vinegar. This can be a good option for working on a black grout stain or for removing other types of discoloration. Make a paste with baking soda and water and apply the paste to the grout. Spray on the vinegar solution and then start scrubbing after it has stopped foaming.

Cleaning Stained Grout Outdoors

Just like indoor tiles, the grout for outdoor tile surfaces tends to get dirty faster. You can scrub this grout clean much in the same way you would for indoor grout, but a portable power cleaner will offer a more efficient option. It will save you time and help you to avoid the aches and pains that come with getting down on the ground to scrub.

With the 40V Hydroshot portable power cleaner, you can make short work of cleaning stained grout, and it can also work well for a range of outdoor cleaning tasks. You can use it to clean driveways, walkways, wood decks, siding, and more. You can also buy Hydroshot accessories that can help with things like washing your car, scrubbing outdoor furniture, and cleaning windows.

Grout Removal

If you’ve tried everything and you can’t figure out how to keep grout white, the last resort is to regrout tiles. Removing and replacing grout is a lot of work, but it is a DIY project most people should be able to do. You can also save a lot of time by using a tool like the WORX 2.5 Amp Oscillating Multi-Tool. With a good oscillating tool and a carbide semicircle blade, you can remove grout in a fraction of the time it would take to do this task by hand.

Grout cleaning DIY is a project that can restore the look of a tile surface. With that said, the best option is to prevent the stains from appearing in the first place. Clean tile surfaces regularly and if something spills on the grout, make sure to wipe it up right away. With a little bit of effort, you can prevent the types of stains that are harder to clean and those that may require the removal and replacement of grout.

The right tools can make grout cleaning DIY stress-free. Find them at WORX!

4 Ways to Clean Stained Grout
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4 Ways to Clean Stained Grout
Use warm water, baking soda, and vinegar to clean stained grout, as well as how to clean outdoor grout or regrout your tiles without too much stress.
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