shrubs Tags

  • Evergreen Shrubs

    Evergreen Shrubs for Sunny Locations

    Evergreen shrubs provide year-round structure and color to the garden. Designers think of them as the backbone of a planting, providing form and interest even when the rest of the garden is dormant. In sunny gardens, it is easy to overlook evergreen foliage in favor of flowering perennials and deciduous shrubs. Of course, many evergreen shrubs also bloom. The following evergreen shrubs for sunny locations will help you create a garden that looks good no matter the time of year.

  • Gardener Trimming Flowers With Secateurs In The Garden. Little Boy and Father cutting

    Prune Spring Flowering Shrubs after Blooming

    Understanding the right time to prune flowering shrubs can mean the difference between an abundance of blooms and a garden stripped of its flowers. For the best display season after season, prune spring-blooming shrubs after flowering.

  • overgrown bushes on brick wall

    How To Revitalize Overgrown Shrubs

    Rejuvenating Overgrown Shrubs By Kim Toscano Learn how to reign in overgrown shrubs and reinvigorate underperformers. While regular pruning is…

  • WG801 WORX Zen Shear Shrubber

    Choose the Right Tools for Pruning Your Trees & Hedges

      Pruning Equipment – Choose the Right Tool for the Job By Kim Toscano Late winter is the ideal time…