
Halloween Monster Cupcakes


Step-by-Step Instructions

Tool Tip

Before airbrushing, test and practice on a scrap piece of paper and adjust the nozzle as needed.


1. Load the paint reservoir of the airbrush approximately ⅓ full with orange airbrush food coloring. Test and practice on a scrap piece paper and adjust the settings accordingly before spraying directly on the cupcake. Begin painting the cupcake in a consistent swirling motion about four to six inches away until covered, only spraying half of the cupcake. Repeat on each cupcake.

2. Empty out any remaining food coloring and add the purple food coloring into the reservoir. Spray it on a piece of scrap paper until the paint fully turns purple and begin to spray the remaining half of the cupcakes.

3. Use scissors to cut colorful pieces of cardstock into matching sets of eyebrows or eyelids around the same size of the googly eyes. 

4. Add a bit of hot glue to the back of each eyebrow and glue on the top of the googly eyes. Then, glue a toothpick to the back of the googly eye.

5. Add your eyes to the cupcakes and watch each cupcake monster come alive!!!